The Lord’s Supper – “Eat Your Way Through the Bible”
Christian Life Center, Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 (September – May), Weston Hall
All ages are invited to come eat their way through the Bible! While we do spoil the kids a bit during dinner with a game or activity just for them, everyone is welcome and there is something for all ages and stages. Young and old alike enjoy the fruits of the Garden of Eden, taste the stew of Jacob, work their way through the plagues, feast like David, and watch the loaves and fishes multiply! The food, the décor, and the activities specifically align with that day’s scripture.
This year, we are eating our way through 2 Samuel. Participants get a bird’s eye view of the tenure of King David, his heart after God’s heart, his personal and political failings, and his love for worship and expectancy of the Messiah.
It is our hope that the children and adults who come to be fed in spirit each Wednesday will find God more concretely real in their lives and that they will use the truths found in the word as guideposts along the narrow way. Come and learn, or re-learn, the deep stories of the Bible and find afresh the true heart of God. Meals are FREE. The Lord’s Supper meal program breaks for summer and meets weekly September – early December and January – early May.