Worship Times

8:00AM Traditional Worship with Weekly Holy Communion in the Sanctuary
9:00AM Contemporary Worship with Monthly Holy Communion in the Sanctuary
~10:00AM Sunday school, all ages~
11:00AM Traditional Worship with Monthly Holy Communion in the Sanctuary
Nursery care is provided in Room B of the Children’s Wing.  Temperature checks occur prior to entry.
Remote Worship: Online worship services are posted weekly on the church Facebook Page (Uvalde Methodist Church).
**If you are planning a visit, please check Calendar of Events as special service times sometimes occur. **

-What is Traditional Worship-

The worship service begins with the lighting of the candles by the acolytes. This is followed by an invocation and call to worship. Other elements of the service are hymns, collection of the offering, singing the Gloria Patri and the Doxology, reciting the Apostles’ Creed and a sermon. In the 11:00 service there may be special music or choir anthems sung by the Chancel Choir. This later service also includes a message for the children.

-What is Contemporary Worship-

The service is opened by our praise band who lead the congregation in singing contemporary Christian praise songs. All lyrics are projected for the congregation. We do not take up an offering, but offering plates are available in the sanctuary for gifts and tithes. The sermon is given, and we close with more worship music from the praise band. The communion rail is always open for prayer, and members in the service as well as the pastor are happy to pray with anyone upon request.
-What Is Communion-
Communion or the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament that celebrates Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. The cup of juice and the broken bread are consecrated as the blood of Jesus and the body of Jesus. The table is open to anyone who repents of their sins and wishes to receive Jesus in the bread and in the cup.